Spooky horse transformations

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fallen back in love with riding their

confident and connected horses

Lyla Cansfield

Hi, I am Lyla and I believe that success with horses comes from understanding and connection.​

I specialise in providing a unique blend of horsemanship principles alongside sensitively applied traditional ground and ridden techniques for riders of any discipline to achieve transformational results with their horses.​

I believe that horses are happier and will respond better to training in any sphere when they understand your expectations and you understand theirs.​

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Happy Clients

"I am much happier to ride my horse now that I understand when he is relaxed and connected. How to read his body language from the saddle and what to do if he becomes anxious."

Helen & Troy

"I feel liberated. We've been stuck in the local equestrian centre for most of our schooling sessions, now I can benefit from riding in other environments and places."

Zaria & Amigo


horse and human

Leadership or Connection? Which would you choose?

January 15, 20252 min read

We often get told we need to be the horses leader, or in some cases that we need to be ‘The Boss’.

This can set up a whole bunch of problems for us…

The more assertive person often takes over. This can mean that we don’t always listen, thinking everything will be fine if we just make our horse do what we want. In this mindset it's easy to miss those little places where our horses lose confidence. If you are naturally sensitive AND assertive, when you realise you’ve missed these bits you feel really guilty.

For the less assertive person, not being able to ‘make’ our horses do something can lead to feeling inadequate. Inadequacy is a really disabling feeling that can cause you to be ineffective. If you are not naturally assertive, trying to be more assertive because someone said “You need to be a leader” will feel out of alignment. When this happens, you’re often EVEN LESS assertive and you enter into a vicious circle of feeling worse and worse.

Rather than leadership, I like to think about connection. When you have connection there is a true, two way conversation or dialogue going on albeit a silent one using body language. When you have connection you are sensitive to each others emotions and opinions, it’s OK to take your time if one or both of you are finding something difficult. It’s also OK to think, let’s leave that for today and come back another time.

Building connection takes time and sensitivity, it means learning to read your horses emotions and then understanding how to help them. It means learning to see if they are scared or if they are confident. A scared horse will need help building their confidence. A confident but stubborn or playful horse will need you to show them what’s in it for them.

When you can do all these things, your horse will be much more motivated to be with you and trust you in those difficult situations - this is where the magic happens.

True connection is something really special, it’s an amazing feeling and gives horse and rider combinations that special something that you can’t quite describe but you know it’s there.

It's my belief that this connection is what we all aim for with our horses and formed part of the picture we had in our imagination when we dreamed of being with horses in our childhood.

Remember films like The Black Stallion, Black Beauty and National Velvet? They all personified this connection in some way.

Let's keep seeking it everyday with our horses.

Lyla 🦄💞

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Lyla Cansfield

Hi, I am Lyla and I believe that success with horses comes from understanding and connection. ​I specialise in providing a unique blend of horsemanship principles alongside sensitively applied traditional ground and ridden techniques for riders of any discipline to achieve transformational results with their horses. Horses are happier and will respond better to training (in any sphere) when they understand your expectations and you understand theirs. I came from a traditional horsey background. Early on I developed a love of Dressage, schooling and understanding how to train horses. This led me to study Horsemanship, Horse and Rider Behaviour for 3 years at home in the UK and 2 years in the US. I have been teaching for over 20 years. My teaching brings together everything I have learnt from Horsemanship, Dressage and a lifetime spent with horses. Instructor for over 20 years Creator of the Spooky Horses Online Course and the Healthy Movement & Self Carriage Study Series Given demonstrations at national UK & US venues including Aintree, Hartpury, variousshows at the NEC including Horse of the Year Show, HOYS Worked intensively with Spanish Dressage Team trainer Luis Lucio getting FEI levelhorses ready for the competition environment

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